WDI are a classic example of "saying the quiet bits out loud".
As noted in the article, the catechism of being "morally mandated out of existence" is a cornerstone of their ideology; it has been deeply embedded in their line of reasoning since its inception, long before it ever became known as "TERFism" or "Gender Critical", and long before the Stroppy Boys thought they'd jump on the bandwagon.
While it (The WDI Declaration), sounds like a step to far for many, it seems that the way things are accelerating to greater extremism, the more likely it is to be embraced by vacilating supporters of the GC movement. It won't be the high-profile ones who espouse these views (well, at least, not directly), but it will likely be the 'foot soldiers', including the sock accounts of the High & Mighty, who need to express their real views anonymously.