Amelia Unchained
1 min readJan 13, 2022


This is not surprising, given the political capital that the Culture Wars are providing. The trans-hostile narrative is given a thorough airing in the Murdoch and other oligarch-owned press, as well as the officially-sanctioned state broadcaster, the BBC.

What they're doing, is putting people in place in various positions, to ensure that they can push through measures which sees a reversal of changes wrought by the GRA and the EA2010 legislation.

This is a difficult time and I think things can only get worse under the current regime.

Even social media platforms, who upon receiving complaints (about a post that says things that are far less bad than the things said by the person the post was aimed at), will buckle if enough 'complainants' dogpile the moderation people. This holds true especially when the figure in question is relatively high-profile and is also embarking upon what amounts to a test case in Law about Stonewall. If this case goes against them (and it very likely could), then it opens the floodgates for a whole raft of reversals.

We could be in serious trouble as soon, the Human Rights Act will no longer apply to post-Brexit stain-upon-Europe 'great' britain.

Need to get off this hovel of an island ASAP!



Amelia Unchained

About ... Oh, where do I even start? Started GT on 06/01/2020 (UK Date Format). Isn’t showing a lot for it, but maybe it will get better.