They know what they are doing - they are covering it up; concealing the evidence of their crimes.
The 5 individuals arrested and then released without charge will be put through a pro forma package of 'diversion', but will face no real consequences.
The messaging is quite clear: it is now open season on LGBTQ+ people, and that message is quite deliberate and calculated.
There has been an unrelenting attack on, ostensibly, transgender people, but we all know about missions creep, and how the remit will naturally expand to include LGB people too.
In the UK, we now have an Equalities and Human Rights Commission that has been deliberately rendered unfit for purpose, the Chair of that outfit has had 40 complaints registered against them, and a KC (King's Counsel), was drafted in to investigate.
Within 3 days, the investigation was 'paused', amid a concerted effort by the usual rent-a-gob right wing columnists, as well as various talking heads in broadcast media.
Our Opposition Party is entirely toothless; indeed, they look set to trail the Tory attack against minorities, if they're to win the Gender Election in 2024.
Things are getting bad, but we've been being softened up for this for the last 8 years or so.