That was a great article, thanks!
It says everything that I had wanted to say, but does so in a very persuasive way. There has always been this push-pull between feminine gay men (I used to think I was one for a year or so, until I learned otherwise (I never really 'fitted in' to the gay subculture)).
Also, the point about Respectability Politics is on point too. A lot of the drive for 'equality' e.g. transmission of property rights through marriage, formal recognition etc., were and are very much geared towards the more upscale, cis-gay-male higher earners who wished to secure their socioeconomic status.
It was the 'out-there', feminine, transfeminine people who were pushed out once a privileged, isolate fraction decided that they'd got their's.
Also, tellingly, there is a really horrible anti-trans masculine sentiment abroad in the gay sub-culture.
What does it take for people who, 20, maybe 10 years ago were on the receiving end, to actually possess the empathy and fellow-feeling to realise that what they are doing to us is what the wider society was doing to them.
Feminine expression and transgender identity have always, always been part of the gay cultural arena and to pretend otherwise is to give, like the UK's LGBAlliance, funded by Heritage Foundation, the means with which to fracture and split the LGBTQIA+ community.