Prior to the BBC's hit-piece against transgender women, framing us as sexual predators, one of their journalists had produced an audio hit-piece attacking Stonewall (the principal LGBTQ+ charity in the UK).
Today, the BBC published a press release trying to justify their disengagement from Stonewall's Equality Index.
This occurred after the supposed Equality and Human Rights Commission, headed up by notorious Tory Trans-Hater Liz Truss, who sent out an edict commanding public bodies to disengage from the Stonewall Equality Index.
The BBC has been captured by the ruling Tory Party and has therefore become a propaganda mouthpiece of that same party, which is using Trans-Hate to drive forward its political strategy of rolling back civil rights across the board.
This is but a foretaste of what is yet to come.
I've had to throw out a television set and wait until I can afford a large computer display, but I'm going to be saving £13 per month on a licence fee.