Many white people are NOT doing great things like Elon Musk
So, what is it that Elon Musk has done that is so great?
Racism is the Last Refuge of the Disgruntled Loser, yes, I absolutely agree. I'm a disgruntled loser, so I know how that feels.
Arguably, however, one could say that when college educated (in England, we call them universities, and I went to a rather less than stellar one, but still respectable enough), liberal whites espouse anti-racist sentiment, they are doing so from a position of detachment and relative disinterest.
I'm not sure that I agree with the notion that people who call out racial discrimination are part of a cult of 'victimology', because to do so, would be to throw away several centuries of racialised policy, pre-rationalised discrimination, and the recognition that racism benefits the privileged liberal layer over and above the low-grader white trash such as myself.
I think a new perspective needs to be developed to take account of the inexorable appropriation of liberationary, progressive movements such as BLM, by white liberals, as a way of subverting and constraining them.