I'm not sure what to make of your response, but here goes ...
I don't understand why you would think that 'porn' was in any way a viable substitute or alternative for real, enduring interpersonal intimacy? It is a fractured, fragmented and wholly distorted representation of sex and sexuality. I'm not some kind of proto-Victorian puritan, it is just that most of the evidence seems to point to it being toxic, damaging and ultimately, a source of misery for women generally (distorted perceptions about what sex and intimacy is percolating down through the social strata and corrupting male perceptions of women), the women who find themselves participating in the "industry" who are emotionally and psychologically scarred by their trauma of doing so, and last but not least, the intoxicated voracious male consumers of the end product, who start to believe the toxic phantasy and fallacies embedded in the pornographic narratives themselves.
The 'foreign brides' motif is often invoked across the internet, particularly in certain male-centric environments, but the thing is, it seems to demand a submissive compliance to dominance, which I think most healthy people would be swift to reject. Men who think that an entire nation or continent of women are somehow tainted in some strange way really need to look to themselves? What is it about people with free-will and self-determination that is so intimidating anyway?
The men in 'those countries' are terrible? Which countries? In what way are they 'terrible'?
Saying they 'respect a "nice men" (red flag here), with a Good Paycheck actually reduces these interpersonal relationships to some kind of Transaction. Great in Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice; not so good in the real world.
Seeing women with 'real losers'? Well yes, there is that, but if that were a universal constant, then I'd have been hitched up decades ago, even not withstanding subsequent revelations and changes...