"If their courtship ritual isn't working, they are either trying it on the wrong kind of woman or the strategy is bunk."
This is in some measure, quite true however, the pop-anthrop perspective misses out a great deal; namely Culture.
We have an extremely toxic popular culture framework in which certain kinds of People are subtly demeaned and belittled in a near-constant barrage of toxic imagery and narratives. As a species, we are vastly more complex and nuanced than our nearest mammalian simian counterparts so therefore, appeals to 'the natural world' to explicate the human condition are misleading at best; disingenuous at worst.
Fracturing a race along gender lines and then inserting your own toxic bio-macro-pathogens to help facilitate the dissolution of an ancestral adversary is vastly different to the 'just-so' cosy narratives of natural history television programming.
Oh, and let's not forget the toxic, baleful and contaminatory audio-visual outpourings of the Hollywood-adjacent filth industry that serves to Rabbit Hole confused adolescent and otherwise vulnerable young males. Simple bait-and-switch easy gratification tactics that further serves to pollute the cultural arena.