I think this is another interesting piece, as it highlights some of the danger signs that are out there.
One thing though, I think that the guys who harbour these views now have the knowledge (if not the insight), to know that they must hide such obvious red flags, because otherwise, they'll get rumbled pretty damn quickly.
There must be thousands of men out there who purport to stand up for equality, feminism and a move away from the toxicity of the 1970s and so on. They know that if they come out with their sub-Incel talking points, women will wise up to where they really stand. These guys are inherently manipulative and exploitative while it suits them to be so. Otherwise there wouldn't be these "playas" and PUA creeps swarming all over the surface of the Earth.
I think that just beneath the thin veneer of equality and feminism, there lurks the trad-con hookie-pookie, lumpen mindset or yore.