I think staying would be good if you feel you can. You mention that you have lost a lot of your raw physical strength due to HRT Transition. I suspect that being younger, you would still have the edge against this old man. Why not play to your strengths?
I’m not exactly a huge fan of that generation (other people’s Mums & Dads / Grandmas / Grandads), as they were the principal architects of the immiseration framework that kept me out of worthwhile gainful employment, educational opportunities, property ownership and all the other quality indices that constitute a worthwhile life.
I’m a very different person to most, since I remember things - especially the trajectory of my life and how things could have been different.
As I alluded to previously, I think you should make the most of your strengths, rather than letting this Old Catholic gain the upper hand.
On that final point, people do have a choice about what they believe. If they still embrace the psychotic delusion of an angry sky-daddy up there flinging lightning bolts and retribution for perceived wrongdoing at the age of 76, then it could be a sign of utterly rigid and inflexible cognitive agility, or else it could be evidence of a kind of life-long dementia.
Either way, the problem could solve itself all by itself.