I technically qualify as a Boomer (born in the penultimate month of 1964), but I can assure you that I am not coming from the selfish, grasping mindset of the elders in my nominal cohort. Oh, no. When I was late-teens / mid-twenties, I was consumed with resentment of how the earlier members of ‘my’ cohort had managed to monopolise opportunity and access to socioeconomic advancement for themselves and their offspring. Perhaps this was just a side effect of a somewhat dis-privileged background (e. g.) I did not have concerns about a potential inheritance, given my parent had nothing to leave to us.
I was just growing up in the era of Reagan and Thatcher and I felt totally isolated and alienated from everything that era stood for. I still think the rot of collapse was seeded before the New Age of Selfishness saw the light of day.
Being childless myself, I still don’t quite understand the Saturnesque devouring of offspring.
Could it be that the diehard Boomers retreat into irrationality in defence of the indefensible?