I know ... and the worst thing about this? Everyone colludes with it. These are frightening times all round - we are only ever a hair's breadth from tumbling back down into the era of repression, intolerance and tacit approval of discrimination.
I mean to write up on a report on BBC UK Radio about the Education Secratary - Gavin Williamson - permitting 'free speech' on the campus of universties. The first item up for discussion? The 'Trans Debate' - people's lives, identity, humanity - being 'debated', such as the question being are we really even human?
I said to my works counsellor (I'm lucky and fortunate to have such a thing), what happens when, once the culture war on Trans Rights is debated back to the era of the 1950s; who's next? Is it 'debating' the legitimacy or otherwise, of same-sex marriage and relationships? Of consensual intercourse who's sole aim is not about purely reproduction? Or how about bodily autonomy on health issues for women, harm-reduction / minimisation contraception for the younger set?
Stories such as the one you have relayed for us - they remind me that it is a constant, rear-guard firefight to prevent reactionaries from rolling back social advances achieved only in the last 30 years or so.
I could say so much - but I have to get to the shops before they close :-)
Great article - even if the subject matter is shocking and yet depressing.
Thank you.