I knew they hated us … I just didn’t know the extent to which they do, until now.
This is deliberate, calculated and orchestrated attempts to actually outlaw us
I don’t mean to sound panicky or catstrophising, but they real do hate us, don’t they?
I’m not sure what to say; I’m scared and so concerned now.
The fake #SafeToBeMe conference is going to look interesting in the light of this.
This poop-hole of a country is out of the EU - how long before psychopaths like Raaaaab are able to extricate us from the ECHR?
It really is just a matter of time, but they have all the artful and devious rhetorical devices available to help them. From the toxic “LGB Alliance”, to the manifestly hateful Alt-Right backers, the looney-tunes ChrisTurds in the EvangelicHELL fundamental movement, to the backers of division and hatred, E.G. the parasite class than runs the “British” press, the dark-money fundamentalists who have been funding societal division designed to negate any semblance of democracy, to the useful, hollow sock-puppets like Johnson and his gaggle of self-Servative scumbags, to the low-grade thickie who has always been the personal bane of my existence; the Armies of Mordor are gaining momentum and we are fully in their sights…