I have always been single and now, I'm too old to be considered viable relationship material - perhaps I never was! The personality is moulded in the first seven years of life, so being misshaped has taken it's toll upon me, with each successive year of my life amplifying and reinforcing that toxic narrative. "Mummy" and "Daddy", thanks so much for all you have done for me!
For what it is worth, I cannot retreat behind the bitterness that women's standards are too high (miscegenation is a thing, even though it is orchesrated though the mass and also, online social media), - the empirical evidence of my senses proves otherwise, along with all the external evidence, both anecdotal and empirically evidenced.
Some people are cut out to be natural-born losers, thanks to those essential formative years of early life, and the baleful influence of deeply scarring, profound, psychic injury.
Some find ways to rebalance what is, after all, a very unbalanced equation. Most of Us simply lack the ambition to even address this Imbalance (notwithstanding the lack of material methods of doing so).
Who knows who or what gave them Victory? And even if my troop fell thence vanquished, yet to have attempted a lofty enterprise is still a trophy.