I always knew that Piers Morgan was a rental gob-on-a-stick of a man, but apparently, he had taken an amorous interest in Meghan Markel and she (justifiably), rebuffed him and ghosted him from electronic communication with her.
Piers Morgan is a late-stage anachronism going back to the stinking state of the 1970s and worse, playing along to a peculiarly English culture of intolerance and bigotry.
He is one of a stable of such throwback, notably Richard Littlejohn, hounding a transgender woman who was a school teacher, to commit suicide due to constant harrasment by the media.
Although Rob Greenslade of the Guardian newspaper offered the usual diffident apologia accorded intolerant reactionaries by 'progressive' journalism, it is undoubtedly true that the vast bulk of English print-press media and broadcast media are overwhelmingly trans-antagonistic.
That this state of affairs is allowed to continue, indeed aided and abetted, is clear evidence that these attitudes and sentiments reach into the very top of the British Establishment.
GRA amendments and the foot-dragging on outlawing 'reparative' conversion therapies, especially for trans people.