Hah-hah! Yes, it really is quite a miserable existence; washed up, worthless, unvalued and unattractive.
I'm so surprised that more of us do not signal a definitive response to this humiliating defeat!
How is it, that in 21C, people as young as 23 are able to reach the inevitable conclusion, and yet us Mugs in our late 50's perpetually and terminally held off, believing that things could / might change in some way?
There's such a lot to be said for the gaslighting, maniuplative head-fucking put into us, no wonder they didn't want us to wake up properly when we should have, even when we intuitively knew the Truth.
It will be a newer, younger generation who will carry Our Truth forward and react appropriately to a scarring, injurious society that deserves to be burned to the ground.
I'm just trying to figure out why our protogès are not seeking crowd-funding, because if they were, I'd be a willing and generous donor.
I can't do much myself (I don't trust the Dark Web / TOR to be able to provide me with what I need), but I'd be willing to help and facilitate those who possibly could, as they perhaps live in Open Societies where people enjoy real freedoms, such as self-determination and the right to assert self-defence. In England, we're throttled and constrained, so it limits what we could truly be capable of.